200 Chapple Ave
Ashland, WI 54806
Mon, Wed, Thur - 9am - 5pm
Evening appts, if needed
Ashland, WI 54806
Evening appts, if needed
We know that information about pregnancy, reproductive health, abortion, adoption, and all the options available to women can be very overwhelming.
While the Chequamegon Pregnancy Center is more than happy to sit with you and provide you with information on all your pregnancy options, we also recognize some women simply need someone to talk to. And we’re here for that, too.
And we want you to know that we’re here to talk if you just need to get some things off your chest. Maybe you’re not at a point where you want to make a decision just yet. You just want someone to listen. We can be that for you. The listening ear, the compassionate hug.
While we are not licensed therapists or counselors, we are trained to provide you with the health information you need to make an informed decision, but we’re also humans who like you recognize the need for the welcoming presence of someone to talk with.
If you need to talk with someone about your situation, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or at (715) 682-1125. We’re always here for you.
Chequamegon Pregnancy Center does not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control. Information is provided as an educational service and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.
Mon, Wed, Thur – 9am – 5pm
200 Chapple Avenue
PO Box 13
Ashland, WI